G8 Interview: Yoojin ‘You Drink’ Kim

Yoojin! You Drink! Yoojin! You Drink!

Its with great pleasure to welcome our Korean ambassador to the team – Yoojin Kim! Since joining she has now dedicated herself to the sport of Dragon Boat. She even persuaded the pandas go to Korea for our next tour 😉

Q: How did you find out about the Windy Pandas?

Henry was talking about Pandas for years.

Had to go see what these Pandas looked like.
Q: What have been your likes and dislikes about Dragonboating so far?

What I like is that this is a group sports and that we race. Love racing. Pumps up my adrenaline level.

What I dislike is the fact that the Thames water that gets splashed into my eyes and irritates me.

Q: What has been your favourite holiday?

Christmas? I don’t know why, just love it. Carols melt my heart and brings my inner child. (Cheng: Awww, she so Americanized =D)

Q: If you can have dinner with 3 famous people, alive or dead, who would they be and why?

Audrey Hepbrun – because I love her.

Barack Obama – he’s fun. I want to make him wear things like minion onesies.

Björk – I want to understand how she works.

Q: Whats your best movie and worst? 

Best movie would be Alice in Wonderland. I once seriously considered to rename myself Alice.

Worst is all that dark noir movies that contain lot of unnecessary killings and vengeances that I don’t want to even remember the names of.

Q: Explain your nickname? How did it come about

VO happened to me. (period)

Q: What is your favourite quote (if any) 

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.

So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

– Mark Twain

Q: What do you miss most about being a kid?

being able to submerge into my imaginary world very easily.

Q: How would your friends describe you? 

Quirky, weird, ambitious

Q: When is your birthday and can you swim? 

you are going to make me drink Thames water aren’t you.

Q: Last question – Are you any good at running? (yes/no) 

I rock.